Weight Loss Surgery Options in Delhi Noida

With obesity being such a huge problem in today’s society, more weight loss surgery options have become available. When it comes to making a decision on which option to choose take a look at all of the information available, and talk to your bariatric surgeon Delhi and see what the best options are for you. With so many different surgeries out there, you need to make sure which one is designed for your body type, and which one will help you achieve your goals.

Assuming that you are obese or morbidly obese and that you have tried the traditional diets and exercise programs with no success, you are looking for a more direct way of dealing with your medical problem and are looking at weight loss surgery options.  Here are a few of the most common weight loss surgery options.

weight loss surgery options in delhi noida

 This is the most common type of weight loss surgery which performed by advanced laparoscopic   surgeon in Delhi, being more than 90% of all weight loss surgeries being performed are of this type.   The procedure involves the surgeon attaching the stomach directly to the lower intestine, and then   creating a smaller pouch (15 to 60 cc) out of the stomach by stapling off the largest portion of it.

There are two types of gastric bypass, long limb (distal) and short limb (proximal). The long limb surgery results in malabsorption than the small limb surgery, therefore there is a sustained weight loss of 55 lbs or greater in 75% of patients. This surgery can be done either laparoscopic surgery or by fully opening the abdomen. This weight loss surgery option is a good option for people with a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40, and suffers from serious health issues due to their obesity.

The benefits of this type of surgery are:
  • Total weight loss after a year is 60% to 80%
  • Total weight loss maintained after ten years is about 50%
  • Diabetes, sleep apnea and joint pain are relieved in about 90% of all surgery patients
Some risks associated with this surgery are:
  • The body does not absorb enough vitamin B12, iron and calcium can occur, so vitamin supplements are recommended
  • If you consume too much sugar, Dumping Syndrome may occur as a result of the sudden emptying of the stomach into the intestine. Though not a serious health risk, it can make you feel nauseas, weak, and diarrhea can be some side effects
  • The result of the surgery may be reduced due to stretching of the new stomach pouch
  • And typical risks associated with any major surgery still exist, blood clots, bowel obstructions
Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery 

More commonly now as the “Lap-Band” system, is a device that restricts the amount of food a person can consume. This is done by placing a band around the upper section of the stomach giving it an hourglass look. This divides the stomach in to two sections, and stapling is not required. It gives you a naturally full feeling, therefore reducing the amount of food you eat. This surgery is recommended for people with a BMI of 30 to 40.

Some benefits of this surgery option are:
  • The lap-band can be adjusted by adding or removing fluid from the inner part of the balloon that makes up the band
  • This allows the food to travel through the usual digestive tract, allowing you to absorb all the nutrients from the food
  • The band is placed through a laparoscopic incision and is minimally invasive
  • The lap band can be removed if needed
  • No stapling or rerouting of the intestines is needed
Some of the risks are:
  • Tearing of the stomach wall may require additional surgery
  • The access port may leak or become twisted
  • Slower weight loss compared to Gastric Bypass
  • Regular follow ups with the doctor are critical
  • A medical device must be implanted

Also known as stomach stapling, Gastroplasty creates a smaller stomach inside the original stomach. This is designed to restrict the amount of food the person can eat, and in turn reduce their body weight. Aside from the smaller stomach being created, there is no change in the intestinal tract. This weight loss surgery option is designed for people with a BMI of 30 to 40.

Some benefits of this surgery are:
  • There is no change to the digestive tract
  • A weight loss of at least 50% is maintained after 10 years from the surgery
  • It is fully reversible
Some risks are:
  • Less overall weight loss compared to Gastric Bypass
  • May result in an obstruction or perforation
  • The smaller pouch stretching or the restrictive ring moving down and allowing the person to eat more than they should


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